5.7. The Post-offering:

Information Regarding The Post-offering Period:


  • 4IR Tokens allocated as Treasury Tokens (23% of the total supply) will be used for strategic marketing and utility platform growth purposes, focusing on stability of the 4IR Token.

  • 4IR Tokens allocated to the team, partners and advisors (8% of the total supply) will be subject to a 4-year vesting schedule at a rate of 25% a year.

  • 4IR Tokens locked in the Gratuity pool (28%) will be released as the community grows and renews their membership, leading to a healthy member-based inflation. For more details, please refer to section 2.1.5 “eCitizen annual gratuity (Gratuity Pool)” in this document.

  • 4IR Tokens locked in the Options Pool (6%), will be released according to metrics explained in section 2.1.9 “Options Pool ”.

  • Following our primary issuance of 4IR Tokens, there will be “capped“ quantitative emittance of 4IR Tokens if the 4IR Tokens migrate to 4IR Blockchain Protocol. Quantitative emittance will only start once 4IR Blockchain Protocol is launched and will be used to reward Guardians of BlockchainValley, who take part in the maintenance, security and development of the 4IR Blockchain Protocol. Emittance of these new tokens will be visibly coded in the protocol.

  • 4IR Token emittance would be initially capped at 1.5%, non-compounded annual inflation rate of the total supply (888,888,888 * 0.015 = 13,333,333 tokens per year). Emitted tokens will be generated and distributed continuously to reward Guardians maintaining and securing the 4IR Blockchain Protocol. This is somewhat similar to how miners are rewarded in Bitcoin’s Proof of Work protocol.

  • The Guardians, as 4IR Blockchain Protocol’s block validators,, should not collectively own more than 4.9% of the total 4IR Token supply over the next fifty years. The exact inflation rate will be calculated before the 4IR Blockchain Protocol is launched, taking empirical metrics into account (i.e. token value, cost of running and securing the nodes, etc.).

  • As the ecosystem evolves, both the inflation rate and the allocation of newly minted tokens can be altered based on token value, community input and overall progression of the token economic system. For example, the newly issued tokens could be allocated to the Options Pool, other reward mechanisms or new features in the future.

  • However, this secondary emittance would be initially used solely for compensating Users responsible for the maintenance and development of the 4IR Blockchain Protocol system. This method of quantitative inflation emittance, means our token economics could sustainably and continuously fund its own progression. Through these dynamics, the network as a whole would pay for the maintenance of the 4IR Blockchain Protocol by means of increasing the total 4IR Token supply, which has the effect of a flat tax on token holders for usage of the system.

  • Fixed total token supplies have become an arbitrary industry standard and it works for assets aspiring to become a store of value, however, for a network dependent on transactions a fixed total supply could be a deterrent to spending. By continuously and marginally increasing the total 4IR Tokens' supply, spending the token can be encouraged while the token can simultaneously still evolve into a store of value based on the strength of the underlying Fourth Industrial Revolution micro-economy.


Currently, the Issuer has no intention to buy back or cancel tokens. The only instance in which Blockchain Valley SAS may receive 4IR Tokens is through transaction and data monetization fees applied on the Digital Platform.


Before their allocation, the Treasury Tokens and the 4IR Tokens to be allocated to the team, partners and advisors, will be kept in a secure wallet. Once the Treasury Tokens are allocated to the Blockchain Valley SAS, the Treasury Tokens will be held by Blockchain Valley SAS in its own wallet. Once the 4IR Tokens are allocated to the team, partners and advisors, the 4IR Tokens will be held by such team, partners and advisors in in their own wallets.


50% of the 4IR Tokens subscribed will be distributed to the Subscribers after the end of the Offer. The remaining 50% will be locked in a smart contract during a 12-months after the end of the Offer. At the end of this 12-month period, these 4IR Tokens will be delivered to the Subscribers following a staggered mechanism at a rate of 25% per month (on that remaining 50%). On this basis, the Subscribers will have all tokens in their possession 16 months after the end of the Offer.

The lock-up of the 4IR Tokens Delivery system aims to safeguard the value of the 4IR Tokens in the initial stages of the project.

4IR Tokens allocated to the team, partners and advisors (8% of the total supply) will be subject to a 4-year vesting schedule at a rate of 25% per year.


The issuer intends to report on the use of funds and digital assets collected as part of the offering in an annual document. Our annual document will aim to inform anyone of our growth development and pertinent news of our company’s intent and purposes, including Digital Platform activities, partnerships and revenue generation of our utilities.

Last updated