2.1.1. BlockchainValley

Value proposition

BlockchainValley aims to build an ecosystem including the Digital Platform, a social ecommerce platform for products (for example drones, robots for programmable and educational purposes or 3D printed items) and services (such as cloud storage and digital services, applications using artificial intelligence and/or blockchain based solutions, for instance a health tracker & trainer that adapts to the User’s progress) relating to Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, gradually establishing a global, tokenized smart community that interconnects individuals, companies, governments and organizations.


Current developments in the world such as the COVID-19 pandemic, 5G deployment and the huge disruption of AI technology will foment massive structural and cultural changes in society. The widespread deployment of 5G wireless technology that has just started will enable and improve the next wave of technologies that will shape the economic growth in the next decades, the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. The increased speed and bandwidth 5G offers will enable faster transmission of larger data streams in a more reliable way under extreme conditions, thus creating the technological foundation for technologies such as AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), nanotechnologies, autonomous vehicles, robotics amongst others, to revolutionize almost all industries.

The BlockchainValley ecosystem will help minimize negative impacts of emerging technologies as it aims to address some of its most relevant challenges by bringing emerging technologies closer to individuals (digital inclusion); empowering people through digital citizenships (eCitizenships) and monetization via token rewards, participation, control of their private data and new opportunities. In the same way, Fourth Industrial Revolution companies and the public sector will also see enormous advantages as they become part of the Digital Platform and interoperable ecosystem of applications as a whole.

Purpose of BlockchainValley

The overall purpose of BlockchainValley as the Digital Platform designed as a digital eCommerce platform and smart community, is to facilitate a marketplace where end users, private companies and organizations can engage to carry out transactions for products and services, including a wide variety of user interactions and community activities.

The Digital Platform is designed to allow Users, eCitizens and eCompanies to interact, with the main goal to create a smart community and offer different features for individuals, companies and institutions alike. They will be able to interact with each other in a number of ways, ranging from Fourth Industrial Revolution sales & services, Users, eCitizens and eCompanies privacy data control and monetisation, R&D and other types of direct engagements. The interaction regarding data monetization can happen between eCitizens and eCompanies, where eCitizens can receive 4IR Tokens for allowing access to their data generated on the Digital Platform, anonymously. The data monetization policy will be studied first and all applicable legislation will be followed, on a per country basis.

BlockchainValley envisions having a geophysical location in the Stellenbosch region of Western Cape, South Africa for several strategic and long-term operations and Fourth Industrial Revolution development purposes, with onboarding eCompanies looking to expand Fourth Industrial Revolution technological developments to this region, to further global market penetration of products and services.

Depending on the funds and digital assets raised through the Presale Offer and subsequent IDOs, the objective (without certainty) is to have our location in Stellenbosch run several operations for the company, and also open itself to a global gig economy to include facilities ranging from co-living and co-working spaces, to research labs, event venues, business offices and lifestyle facilities, to enable physical engagement and networking within the smart community, as well as provide access to the growing African market that is deemed to benefit mostly from the global Fourth Industrial Revolution. Find more information in the section 2.1.12 "Stellenbosch: BlockchainValley’s geophysical location" below.

Purpose of 4IR Tokens

For the functioning of BlockchainValley, tokens, designated as "4IR Tokens", will be issued to be used as a utility payment processor, in a shared and immutable ledger, with smart contract capabilities and considerable tokenization options.

All BlockchainValley transactions will be conducted in its ecosystem-native token, designated as 4IR Tokens. The 4IR Tokens used on the Digital Platform serve as the lifeblood of a robust ecosystem and can be used for all types of transactions, reward mechanisms, access to unique perks and features and collaborations between BV members. Success of our ecosystem lies in its potential to scale exponentially through time and onboard new members by continuously producing valuable interoperable utilities that would make BlockchainValley and its token infinitely more interesting for both eCitizens and eCompanies.

Subject to the section 3.6 “Description of the distributed ledger technology on which the tokens will be registered”, the long term objective is that all of this will be based on technical foundations of the BlockchainValley blockchain protocol (the "4IR Blockchain Protocol"), designed to become the technological backbone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Role of Blockchain Valley SAS, BlockchainCompany Ltd. and BlockchainValley PTY Ltd.

France will be BlockchainValley’s official jurisdiction. Blockchain Valley SAS will make executive decisions for the project and lead operations, such as global platform marketing, communication, public relations and media, legal administration, advertising, token auditing and accounting.

BlockchainCompany Ltd. will act as the shareholder of Blockchain Valley SAS. It will not be involved directly in the functioning of BlockchainValley. Under the supervision of Blockchain Valley SAS, BlockchainValley PTY Ltd. will handle our South African operations and focus on scalable platform development, as well as aspects of technological engineering.

Organization of the blockchain valley group and flows

Blockchain Valley SAS will operate the Digital Platform and will receive the remuneration in relation to service provided thereof in the conditions that will be specified in an intra- group agreement. This remuneration to be received in this context would be based on the activities on the Digital Platform and could take the form of:

  • membership fee received from Users as part of the eCitizen Membership (see Section 2.1.4.) and the eCompany Membership (see Section 2.1.7.);

  • commission of 15% received from data monetization; and

  • transaction fee received from Users for every transactions performed on the Digital

    Platform (see Section 2.4.).

According to operational needs, remuneration received can be transferred within the group to Blockchain Valley Pty. Blockchain Company Ltd. will have the intellectual property rights.

Last updated